TAG  The Advertisers Guild

Advertising Display Design Contest Sponsored by The Advertisers Guild

The Advertising Guild (TAG) welcomes you to join us in the month of July for the 2008 Advertising Display Design Contest. As members of TAG understand that many residents would like to see different types of advertising displays other than the ‘floating blocks’ displays currently used. In the interest of being responsible advertisers, TAG sends out the call for designers to submit their best advertising display ideas, with publicity and prizes for the winners.


To submit your entry or to find out more about this contest within the world of Second Life, click here for a direct link to the location pictured on the right.

Use the provided drop box, to submit one or more advertising display designs you have built for your submission in the contest


Advertising Display Design Contest Submission Rules


Contest Eligibility: You must be at least 18 years of age and you account for Second Life must be in good standing with Linden Lab. Entries must be submitted by the deadline to be accepted for consideration. No members of The Advertising Guild or their affiliates may enter the contest.

Prizes: L$25,000 in prizes will be awarded as follows:
L$10,000 First Prize
L$ 5,000 Second Prize
L$ 3,000 Third Prize
L$ 1,000 Honorable Mention
There will be seven Honorable Mention winners, for the grand total of L$25,000. Prizes will be awarded within 24 hours of winner announcement on August 1st, 2008.

Submission Dates: Contest is open from 8:00 AM SLT July 1st, 2008 until 11:59 PM SLT July 31st, 2008. All entries must be submitted into the Submission Drop Box by this deadline. Any submissions made after this time will not be accepted for consideration.

Submission Format: The Advertising Display must fit onto a standard 32 Square Meter lot without extending over any of the boarders (4 Meters X 8 Meters footprint). Display may contain a maximum of seven (7) prims and can use “sculpted” prims if desired. At least two of the prims must be dedicated to the display of advertising, having rectangular or square display faces a minimum of 1 Meter by 1 Meter in size. Aside from footprint, number or prims, and number of display prims, there are no other restrictions. Entries will be judged on style and aesthetic as well as innovative use of display prims.

Submission Packaging: All entries will be submitted into the Submission Drop Box at the Advertising Display Design Contest Headquarters. The submitted displays must be linked objects that are placed in a container object that has the name of the builder as the name of the container object. In addition to the linked object, a completed disclaimer/submission form must be included in the container. The submitted display needs to be full permissions (copy/mod/transfer) with any applied textures included as content inside the prims on which they are applied.

Submitting an Entry: Complete submission container objects, that hold the linked display submission and the completed disclaimer/submission form will be deposited into the Submission Drop Box at the Advertising Display Design Contest Headquarters. Submissions must be entered within the submission dates.

Winner Selection: A panel of judges from The Advertising Guild along with selected members of the Second Life community will be selecting the winning entries and will make the announcement on August 1st via display at the contest headquarters and on TAG networks. Winning terminal designs will be converted to operating terminals and distributed onto the grid shortly thereafter.


Visit Inworld Location to Submit an Entry or Find Out More About This Contest
