GnuSense Marketing specializes in Roadside
Advertising throughout SecondLife
(http://www.SecondLife.com). Exceptional billboard
displays and unique locations gives your company the
edge for the best roadside grid coverage!
Display networks owned by GnuSense Marketing make
use of AdSoft Virtual World Advertising Technologies
developed by Code4Software
(http://www.code4software.com). Tracking of
individual impressions is measured by minute
increments running on a 60 minute (hourly) rotation
Originally, the network was intended for SecondLife
related products and companies such as advertiser
XXXLarge Mall (largest mall in SecondLife). As the
network matured, it was realized how real life
products could be marketed virtually. Currently,
there are a variety of retail websites selling real
life products being advertised on the GnuSense
At no charge, "GnuSense Hang-Outs" are provided
throughtout the mainland grid for residents to
build, conversate with friends, or enjoy solitude.
In addition, GnuSense Marketing advertises TIPS to
the community to enhance the SecondLife experience.