TAG  The Advertisers Guild

Member Networks | AdSoft Advertising Network

Network Owner:   Code4Software - http://www.code4software.com/adsoft.aspx
Contact:   Jared - adsoft@code4software.com    


Founded in 2005, the AdSoft Network is one of the oldest advertising networks in Second Life and is still leading the way with technological innovation. One of the first centrally controlled networks on the grid, the AdSoft Network soon became the first network to capture impression and click through metrics to an enterprise class relational database and tie the back end to a web based analysis tool.


Over the past two years the software has become increasingly sophisticated with the addition of content and advertising queue management and is now being used by all members of The Advertising Guild. The several hundred AdSoft display terminals currently online are located on some of the oldest original sim regions in Second Life. These displays generate over four million impression minutes per month to nearly 100,000 unique avatars with top ads that can generate 1.5% click-through rates.


